Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Livestrong 2009 Reflections

First let me extend my deepest thanks to those who donated and or supported me in any way for my Livestrong ride. Your gratitude will not be forgotten. As for Andrea and Christian you once again proved to me you are truly remarkable people and I consider myself lucky to call you two my friends.

So instead of giving you a boring play by play description of the weekend I have decided to share and reflect a little. Go beyond the details and let you inside my head. I know scary but stick with me.

To tell this story properly we have to start on mile 21. This is were I was faced with the biggest hill of the day. Actually it was the biggest hill I have seen on a bike. Immediately feelings of failure came over me. For some reason I became very scared that I wasn't going to make it up. Then as I started up I could see people getting off their bike and walking up the hill. As I kept climbing I was so tempted to just quit and and walk it up. As I shifted down to the granniest of all granny gears I refused to stop even if that meant I could pass out. When you reach that level of pain and suffering you learn a lot about yourself. I learned that I have more fight in me than I thought. Although that is not because of any hard training schedule or anything like that. No it was the countless stories I have heard of or read in the last year after committing to this ride. Stories of people who go through worst pain everyday just because of this disease we call Cancer. I also thought of the namesake of our team Mrs Marlene. Although I have never met her in person I feel like I know her enough to say she was a fighter. So as I drew near to the crest of the hill and got out of the saddle to push over I felt calm. Weird but as my legs went numb and then I knew I had made it over. She gave me the fight I needed to win that hill.

So as the ride progressed I made some friends and chatted a little. And as the finish line approached something very unexpected happen to me. I became very emotional. Yeah I cried, there I said it. Reason? Well ever since I lost my Dad 12 years ago to a heart attach I promised myself I would do something in his honor. Unfortunately I am very lazy so I never got around to it. Even though he didn't pass from Cancer I quietly dedicated this ride to him. So as I crossed the finish line it took everything I had to hold back my emotion. So Dad that was for you, thank you for being my Dad, my Father, and my friend.

So in closing one more thing I want to say so its official, yes it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Mentally and physically. So if you think you are up for the challenge let me know and we can add you to the team for 2010.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thanks Tracey

This is an email Nicole recieved from an old high school friend responding to a Fundraising email Nicole sent out. It puts things in perspective once again. Thanks Tracey for sharing your story.


It is good to here from you. I have received several of your e-mails and wondered how you are doing. I rode in a bike ride back in 2006 out in Lake Tahoe Nevada. It was for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation. It was a wonderful experience and the lake and mountains were beautiful. How do I make a donation? Can I send it to you through the mail? Could you give me your address? We have a very special friend from churhc who is battling lung cancer and it is stage 4. Four months ago they gave him eight months to live. He will have his last chemo treatment next week. He is 66 years old and someone I look up to so much. His faith is amazing. He has not given up yet. I wish Ken luck and hope he has a wonderful experience.

God Bless,

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Funny Stuff

Got this from a friend on twitter. This is freaking hilarious.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Double Down

Hi there, first I want to thank all the individuals who have made a donation to The Livestrong Foundation is support of my 45 mile ride in the Livestrong Challenge in Philadelphia on the 23rd. It really has blown me away by the generosity from people I know and some people I have never met before in my life. Know your money is going to fight a disease that kills eleven thousand people a day. Every little bit counts!

For those who are still wanting to donate ..... please do. Because I want to double or more my original goal. I think we can do it. If you can't donate but still want to help out just go to and see how you can help in your community.

Again thanks for all the support!

Go Marlene Misfits!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fight For Susan

Well today yet anothor reminder that cancer is still very real and claiming lives everyday. Last evening Susan Nelson lost her battle with Cancer. She is the wife of Eldon Nelson aka Fat Cyclist. I read his blog everyday and have learned what being a true fighter is all about. His love and dedication to his wife and her fight is an example to all of us. Today she may have passed but her fight will live on forever.

Below is the post from yesterday on Fatcyclist.

Don’t Say She Lost:

Susan died tonight (August 5) at 7:25pm. It was a hard, long day, and Susan fought right to the end, for much longer than anyone would have thought she could.

My mom, my sisters Kellene and Jodi, and my Brother-in-Law Rocky were all here to support my family as Susan passed away.
I’ll have more to say soon, but consider this. Susan inspired me to expand the focus of my blog from nothing but bike-related jokes to a serious and pitched fight against cancer.

Then she inspired 500+ of you to join Team Fatty, the largest LiveStrong Challenge Team there has ever been.
And Team Fatty has raised close to more than $500,000 — a record amount.

Susan’s part in the battle is over, but she didn’t lose. She led the charge. She showed the rest of us how to fight: with determination, focus, creativity, and outrageous endurance.

Now it’s up to the rest of us to Fight Like Susan

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Please Help

Well I am sure by now you have heard me talk about my upcoming Livestrong Challenge bike ride in Philadelphia this month. I am very excited about riding but I have to be honest there is one part I am dreading. Asking for donations to support my ride. Each rider needs to raise $250.oo dollars to ride. So I have waited to ask anyone because times are very tight. I know how much it stinks to add another item to your check book that you didn't budget for the month. Now realize any money donated doesn't go to buy Lance Armstrong new houses or Ferrari's. It goes to fight cancer, a disease that claims the lives of eleven thousand people a day. I am sure if you sit and think about it I am sure you have known or know someone affected by cancer. Now I don't want to guilt you into anything here, it is not my purpose. What I will ask is if you know or known someone who has been effected by cancer that you give what you can in their name.

Click here to donate.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Sorry for the randomness of this blog lately. It just how my thoughts have been arranged lately. I apologize for the blog A.D.D but look for things to change when I start back to school.

I am not sure if you are aware but I had a close friend lose his Mother last Wednesday and we attended her funeral yesterday. It was a very sudden end to a an incredible life. Now ever since my Dad passed 12 years ago I don't handle funerals very well at all. I can't help but think of the day I sat and looked at my Dad for the last time. That was the hardest moment of my life. Because as the years pass that image just gets a little more faded.

As I sat in the church and listened to the eulogy, and holding my tears back, one phrase he said hit me hard. He said, " Death is certain." Now it just made me realize I can't run from that aspect of my life. It will find me when its time. Now as I get older and watch my friends parents pass on it makes it more real to me. In my stupid selfish way I wonder what type of imprint will I leave? How would I be remembered if I didn't wake up tomorrow? I guess as I get older those questions haunt me. Those questions won't be answered by me but by the people with whom I met and influenced.

Now I lay here with some Iron & Wine playing in the background and damn thankful that I have such great friends. I still can't believe they have put up with me for so long and still return my calls. Kind of sad that tragedy has to make you realize that but I guess that is what it takes sometimes. Life is busy and moves way to quick but today I was brought to a dead stop. Made me come to terms with the current status of my life and how that relates to others. It is my hope that through all this it can bring us all closer. My hope we will stop trying to win the rat race of life, and just believe that maybe our purpose is to each other and not ourselves.